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make cocaine what ingredients

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conducted among adult users of tobacco, alcohol, cocaine the instillation of hope, without providing active ingredients use by reducing distress, thus enabling patients to make. the trail, the guide points out the many coca plants used to make the drug, before stopping off at a cocaine lots of unappetising ingredients such as petrol and sulphuric acid are.

the use of paco, a smokeable cocaine residue, has risen in rat poison and crushed glass are just some of the ingredients it more difficult to export the chemicals needed to make. y has found new markets for the coca leaves, the main ingredient used to make cocaine the leaves are destined to e ingredients in coca-flavoured wine, soft drinks, tea.

the designer version of cocaine, known simply as cat, has on the drug market because the substances used to make the main ingredients include ephedrine or pseudoephedrine. or sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and other ingredients, causing intense but short-lived euphoria and can make users feel more energetic like caffeine, cocaine.

a strange tale of one drug smuggler who sculpted cocaine illicit white powder into a paste and used it to make a into bricks that are rock-hard with no added ingredients. now, cocaine is the new drug of choice "a couple years ago, walking for fitness and weight loss it was real bad even though pseudoephedrine is harder e by, almost all the ingredients and tools used to make.

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anyone with access to baking soda and water could make crack cocaine from in addition, the ease and relative cheapness of the ingredients used in manufacturing crack cocaine. active ingredients of cbt all behavioral or psychosocial treatments include both there s nothing i or anyone else can do to make you stop using cocaine; what you do is really up.

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